Orlando, Florida
22 June 1972 - 11 August 1972
Recovered from eBay by way of St. Louis, Missouri
11 June 1974 - 9 August 1974
Courtesy of Jim Scoggins, St. Augustine, Florida
10 April 1979 - 31 May 1979
Recovered in Jacksonville, Florida from Chamblin Book-mine
July 1981 - 31 August 1981
Courtesy of Theresa Pearson, Jacksonville, Florida
22 November 1983 - 20 January 1984
Courtesy of Karen Fisher, Altamonte Springs, Florida
30 January 1984 - 27 March 1984
Courtesy of Karen Fisher, Altamonte Springs, Florida
28 March 1984 - 23 Mary 1984
Courtesy of Karen Fisher, Altamonte Springs, Florida
25 February 1985 - 22 April 1985
Courtesy of Miguel Huertas, San Antonio, Florida
28 February 1985 - 25 April 1985
Courtesy of Jim Scoggins, St. Augustine, Florida
9 April 1985 - 5 June 1985
Courtesy of Jim Scoggins, St. Augustine, Florida
6 June 1986 - 2 August 1985
Courtesy of Jim Scoggins, St. Augustine, Florida
5 November 1985 - 7 January 1986
Courtesy of Karen Fisher, Altamonte Springs, Florida
6 March 1985 - 1 May 1985
Courtesy of Karen Fisher, Altamonte Springs, Florida
7 October 1986 - 8 December 1986
Courtesy of Lee Rudbart, Hillsborough, New Jersey
28 October 1986 - 29 December 1986
Courtesy of Jim Scoggins, St. Augustine, Florida
5 August 1986 - 3 October 1986
Courtesy of Jim Scoggins, St. Augustine, Florida
21 January 1986 - 21 Mar 1986
Courtesy of Karen Fisher, Altamonte Springs, Florida
26 February 1986 - 25 April 1986
Courtesy of Karen Fisher, Altamonte Springs, Florida
26 June 1987 - 26 August 1987
Courtesy of Clarence R. Brown, Summerville, SC
20 March 1987 - 19 May 1987
Courtesy of Karen Fisher, Altamonte Springs, Florida
15 June 1990 - 17 August 1990
Courtesy of Wanda "Tollenaar" Adams, Jacksonville, Florida
3 June 1991 - 5 August 1991
Recovered from e-Bay by way of Grand Junction, Colorado
8 June 1991 - 19 August 1991
Courtesy of Christopher Gonzales, Rockwall, Texas
27 June 1991 - 29 August 1991
Courtesy of Ken Leedom, Crawfordville, Florida
20 August 1991 - 22 October 1991
Courtesy of James Langhoff, White City, Oregon